The AI Sales Assistant for B2B Manufacturers and Distributors.

 Your Customer Journey AI sales assistant takes the burden of product research off your prospects' shoulders, so they can match your products to their application in under a minute.

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This is how easy your AI sales assistant can be for your customers

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Use your Customer Journey AI sales agent to remove the biggest blockers your customers have to spending budget with you

Matching your product specs to their application takes time, and they don’t have enough of it.

They want help now, but they don’t want to be sold to by a sales rep.

They think they can get answers faster somewhere else.

Launch within 30 days

We do 100% of the training, so your team doesn’t take on any additional burden.

Control your data

All data is encrypted in transit (TLS 1.2+) and at rest (AES-256).

Make your AI B2B-safe

Your custom Journey AI chatbots are monitored and managed by humans.

"AI is quickly replacing the need for a live agent in most B2B situations."

Jason Hagerman

Author of Imposters on the Zoom!​

Help your customers find what they need in under a minute

Never lose another sale because your customer didn’t get the information they needed fast enough.

Average Journey AI chat time to accurate product recommendation - 37 seconds.

Average time prospects lose searching for/waiting for important product information in your current sales flow - 2 hours

Generate more conversions on your website tomorrow than you do today

Journey AI sales assistant increases the overall conversion rate on your website between 3% and 5% on average.

1000 website visitors/mo.

5% increase in conversion rate.


50 additional conversions that already know the product they want to spend budget on when your sales rep steps in.

Your Customers Before Journey AI

  • Click through multiple layers of website navigation to find what they might be looking for.

  • Can’t find the information they’re looking for.

  • Don’t understand the way you’ve organized the information they need.

  • Don’t understand how your products’ new features relate to their application.

  • Look elsewhere for information about your products.

  • Buy from a competitor where they find the info they want.

Your Customers After Journey AI

  • Have an instant conversation about their application and your products.

  • Ask direct questions that matter to them.

  • Get answers how and when they want, completely on their terms.

  • Buy from you.

Answer your customers’ questions before they have a chance to think about your competitors

74% of all internet users prefer using AI chatbots.

AI chatbots enable organizations to shift 64% of sales reps’ focus to solving complex issues.

Business leaders have reported as much as a 67% increase in sales through the assistance of AI chatbots.

86% of prospects are willing to pay a premium of 13-18% for an enhanced customer experience via AI chatbots.

All plans get automatic, unrestricted access to every new feature for life

Launch your AI strategy here

Begin your engagement ​with a little information.

We'll reach you this afternoon with the next steps.

What does everything in the pricing table above mean?

Journey AI chatbots are built on product categories. Start with 1 and expand as leads pour in,
choose only your most profitable product categories to test, or go all-in on for the best value.

Product attribute training

Your product’s essential attributes. The volume, speed, material, etc. But, more importantly, the relationships between those attributes and your prospect’s applications. How your prospects speak about those attributes, and how those attributes impact the end user in a practical sense. Everything your sales rep needs to know so they make the right recommendation.

Company attribute training

Your AI sales rep needs to understand attributes your business applies to every product in your subscription category. Warranty limitations, shipping, return policy, legal boundaries (like quoting a customer on a quantity of a chemical that isn’t allowed in their state).

# of products

Each plan above includes a maximum number of products. Each product is individually trained into Journey AI, so the AI understands the differences between each and how they relate to each other.

# of responses & lead summaries

There’s a cost with every response Journey AI gives to your prospects. You can anticipate up to 40% of your chats will convert into the the kind of qualified sales leads your reps dream about. The number of responses and sales lead summaries built into your subscription is based on historical data surrounding the number of questions prospects ask to reach the quoting stage, and the number of prospects who go from question to quote. We want you to stay on with Journey AI for a long time, so we err on the side of customer value and give a generous helping of responses and summaries in each subscription.

# of catalog updates annually

You add new products, and you don’t want them left out of your AI’s repertoire. Each category you sign on for receives the number of updates listed above. If you sign on for the 3 Category Growth package, for example, you get 3 catalog updates PER CATEGORY annually. That’s a total of 9 catalog updates.

Earn more revenue via your distributors

  • Help them instantly recommend your comparable products when their customers ask for a different brand.

  • Make it easy for your distributors to match your products to customer applications without contacting your sales team.

  • Stay visible to distributors who sell hundreds of brands.

When you make life easy for your distributors, they sell more of your products.

How does Journey AI compare to traditional site search tools?

You know what we’re going to say. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true!

Journey AI
offers unique advantages over traditional site search tools. 

High-intent customers
get a faster, more accurate, far easier experience when searching for products, resulting in higher conversion rates and revenue.

 Product Discovery

Journey AI

Uses AI and plain language to quickly and accurately suggest the exact product customers need. Customers don’t need to know anything but their own application.

Traditional Site Search

Depends on keyword-based search, which may not always lead to accurate or optimal product suggestions. Customers must know exactly what they’re looking for.

 Search Method

Journey AI

AI-based model that understands connections between ideas and related information, not reliant on specific keywords

Traditional Site Search

Relies on traditional text-based search which is keyword-dependent and noncontextual (and dying).


Journey AI

Provides faster results due to its AI infrastructure, which can process and suggest products in real-time.

Traditional Site Search

Speed varies depending on the specific search query and the amount of data to sift through, and your customers still do most of the heavy lifting.


Journey AI

Complements existing search bar technology, making it a cost-effective add-on that significantly enhances product discovery without requiring a full replacement of existing systems.

Traditional Site Search

Can be a significant expense for businesses, considering its limitations in accuracy, speed, and absence of context.


Journey AI

Adapts to exponential increases in product catalog without any degradation in performance or accuracy due to its AI-powered model.

Traditional Site Search

Performance can be affected with increasing product catalog size, as more keywords and data need to be processed.

 Data Insights

Journey AI

Provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, helping power your other marketing and sales efforts.

Traditional Site Search

Can provide some data insights, typically limited to search trends and popular keywords.

 Labor Efficiency

Journey AI

Reduces the demand on sales reps and customer service, saving labor costs.

Traditional Site Search

Does not inherently reduce the need for sales reps or customer service as it does not offer guided product selection.

Journey AI sales assistant frequently asked questions

Journey AI is a managed, AI-powered SaaS. It’s a native-AI product. Here’s what those two things mean.

  1. What is a managed, AI shopping assistant? It’s not a boilerplate, plug’n’play SaaS. Because that doesn’t work for most B2Bs. There are connections between products, outcomes, and user applications non-managed AI products can’t understand. Journey B2B AI shopping assistant is built around specific, targeted B2B data collected over the last decade. Then, upgraded further to respond to your most niche users when you engage with us. This process is a maximum 30-day collaboration between your team and Journey AI. When complete, it will be the most valuable tool your business ever invests in, and your sales reps will become the most powerful in your industry.

  2. What is a native-AI product? Every website chatbot today has (or is working on) an AI integration. Taking the existing product and adding AI language comprehension. That’s like building a house and installing the plumbing last. Shoehorning a square into a round hole. Journey AI is built first and only as an AI product. We’re not building AI functionality into a procedural chatbot. You get a 100% AI product, purpose-built for B2B and customized to your niche.

30 days is the maximum launch period. This is because AI doesn’t understand your niche. There’s not enough public data for the AI to make connections between words and concepts in your industry. Journey AI is built on an enormous foundation of B2B data privately curated over the last decade, and we spend 30 days working with your internal project lead to further improve the AI’s knowledge of your niche. We try to stump it, confuse it, break it. You do too. And when it’s trained to completion, your launch is ready. It’s no use to your business if it isn’t a leading expert in your niche.

Your distributors have 50k+ different products to sell. Every manufacturer they work with wants their sales to grow. But when a distributor or sales rep gets a question from a customer for a product recommendation (which is, as you know, 95% of the questions they get)) the easiest way for that rep to answer the customer is to use the Journey AI app on your website. The sales rep does not have to wait for an answer from any manufacture support team, and you won’t have to hound them to see if the quote you sent is going to materialize into a sale. Giving this power your distributors’ sales reps gets your products quoted more often because it's the easiest thing for the sales rep to do

Every Journey AI interaction is summarized and emailed to your sales team. They don’t have to comb through 1000 words of back and forth between the customer and the AI. The entire interaction is summarized into less than 100 words and emailed to your sales team. So your prospect is primed for the sale because the AI talked them through all the initial qualifying and warming work your sales team spends most of its time on, and your sales team has all the information to complete the sale quickly.

Sales reps before Journey AI
"Hello. I see you requested a quote. Here is a 3-page survey we need you to complete so we can recommend the correct product. Please email this back to us at your earliest convenience. Our technical team will analyze your application and give you a quote with some options we recommend."

This is usually followed by multiple emails and phone follow ups just to get the completed survey back. Multiple communications between sales and technical team members. And more communication with the prospect.

Sales reps with Journey AI

“Hey PROSPECT, I see you’re looking for X because you are doing Y, and I see our AI suggested product Z to you. This has already been validated by our technical team. Can we hop on a quick call to finalize your quote right now?"

Here’s what you should do. Go into your existing AI service, any of them, and ask a question about your product. 

Then hop on a call with us and get us to demo the exact same question using Journey AI (not even customized to your niche yet).

You can decide what makes it easier for your sales reps to communicate correctly, and your prospects to choose your product over your competitors’.

One means AI is at the core of the SaaS, one means AI enhances its features.


When a system is AI-powered, artificial intelligence is a core component of the technology, driving its primary functionality. In an AI-powered system, AI algorithms play a critical role in the decision-making process, often operating autonomously to perform tasks that would traditionally require human intelligence. 


When a system is AI-enabled, AI is an added feature that enhances the capabilities of an already existing system, but is not the core component of the system. AI-enabled systems use AI to improve efficiency, add new features, or make the system more user-friendly. Generally, it still relies on human intervention.

We train Journey AI on attributes related to your products, to your company, to your industry, and, most importantly, how they relate to other products, businesses, and applications in your industry. The foundational B2B model Journey AI is built on will already outperform any other chatbot you might use. But the extra training we work with your team to give based on your niche makes it a truly impressive salesperson and expert in your industry.